Our on-demand platform gives you access to courses 24/7, so you can learn at your own pace and on your own time. It’s ideal for busy health care professionals who would like a deeper dive into specific AD topics but prefer the flexibility of a curated, on-demand format.
Our live online webinars give you the opportunity to interact with subject matter experts in real-time. Faculty members will guide you through real-life patient case studies and hold live Q&A sessions so you can ask questions.
Live webinars have ended for 2021 but will resume in 2022.
ADvance CascADe offers a range of different courses so you can pursue your specific interests. The five topics covered include Mastering AD, Clinical Assessment, Imaging Biomarkers, CSF Biomarkers, and Detection & Management of ARIA. The curriculum also employs different types of content to enrich the learning experience, such as “How-to” videos, video presentations, interactive webinars, helpful learning quizzes, slide deck recaps you can download, and more.
While the on-demand platform gives you the freedom to learn on your own schedule, the live webinars afford real-time conversation with a subject matter expert. Both are designed to enhance your knowledge of early detection, accurate diagnosis, and management of AD.
This program is specifically designed for healthcare providers who are already knowledgeable in the field but would like a well-curated and balanced curriculum to develop their understanding of a specific AD topic. It also gives you the opportunity to stay on top of any AD advancements and upskill your team, so they can apply the latest innovations to their clinical work.
This includes neurologists, geriatricians, neuroradiologists, diagnostic radiologists, psychiatrists/ geriatric psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, neurology NPs and PAs, and primary care providers.
ADvance CascADe brings together some of the leading authorities in AD who are subject matter experts across a range of disciplines, including neurology, psychiatry, radiology, neuropsychology, and geriatrics.
Mastering AD
On-Demand Video Course
Mastering Alzheimer's Disease
Presentation: Jeffrey Cummings
27 min
Mastering Alzheimer's Disease
42 slides
Live Case Conversations
Clinical Assessment
On-Demand Video Course
Session 1: Clinical Assessment of AD
Presentation: Robert Stern 60 min
Session 3: Clinical Assessment of AD
Presentation: Robert Stern 60 min
Clinical Assessment Tool: MoCA
Presentation: Ziad Nasreddine 20 min
Clinical Assessment Tool: QDRS
Presentation: James Galvin 21 min
Session 2: Clinical Assessment of AD
Presentation: Robert Stern 60 min
Clinical Assessment Tool: A-IADL-Q
Presentation: Sietske Sikkes 18 min
Clinical Assessment Tool: NPI-Q
Presentation: Jeffrey Cummings 10 min
Clinical Assessment Tools used in AD Clinical Trials
13 pages
Live Case Conversations
Clinical Assessment Case
Presentation: Monica Crane
Imaging Biomarkers
On-Demand Video Course
Session 1: Imaging Biomarkers for Diagnosis of AD
Presentation: Alessandro Padovani 60 min
Session 3: Imaging Biomarkers for Diagnosis of AD
Presentation: Alessandro Padovani 60 min
Session 2: Imaging Biomarkers for Diagnosis of AD
Presentation: Alessandro Padovani 60 min
Live Case Conversations
Imaging Biomarkers Case
Presentation: Tammie Benzinger
CSF Biomarkers
On-Demand Video Course
Session 1: CSF Biomarkers for Diagnosis of AD
Presentation: Douglas Galasko 60 min
Session 3: CSF Biomarkers for Diagnosis of AD
Presentation: Douglas Galasko 60 min
Session 2: CSF Biomarkers for Diagnosis of AD
Presentation: Douglas Galasko 60 min
CSF Biomarkers Booklet
22 pages
Live Case Conversations
CSF Biomarker Case
Presentation: Leslie Shaw
Detection & Management of ARIA
On-Demand Video Course
Session 1: Detection and Management of ARIA
Presentation: Jerry Barakos 60 min
Session 3: Detection and Management of ARIA
Presentation: Jerry Barakos 60 min
Session 2: Detection and Management of ARIA
Presentation: Jerry Barakos 60 min
Live Case Conversations
Presentation: Jerome Barakos
Join the community of your neurology peers who are already using our AD resources. Register in just a couple of minutes and start exploring our robust curriculum of courses.
As soon as you register, you can start one of the on-demand courses. Explore the “How-to” videos if you are interested in a demonstration of current tools for the clinical assessment of AD. Or choose one of the courses if you prefer a “deep dive” into current AD topics like Mastering AD, Imaging Biomarkers, CSF Biomarkers, or the Detection & Management of ARIA.
Each course has three sessions. Each session takes about 60 minutes to complete and includes a video presentation by a subject expert, a quiz to evaluate and recap what you’ve learned, and a handy slide deck that you can download and reference in the future.
Live webinars concluded in October 2021 and start again in mid-2022. Rotating schedules ensure you can participate in a topic you are interested in. In each 45-minute webinar, a faculty member will guide you through a compelling case study and answer your questions online, in real-time. Register to discover how to apply diagnostic and management principles to everyday clinical practice through this case-based learning model with plenty of time for active Q&A.
The cascADe: Courses On-demand and the cascADe: Case Conversations Live Programs are part of the Biogen ADvance Alzheimer’s Education Program and are being offered to US health care providers as an educational service. The educational content has been developed under the guidance of leading AD experts. These are non-CME educational programs and are available only to US health care providers.